
Professional Boise/Los Angeles Headshot Photographer

My name is Volker “Frank” Buddenbrock.

I’ve been shooting photos since a high school photography class and the gift of a Minolta 202 SLR- pretty snazzy in its day.

I always bring the most important philosophy to the game- an acute sensitivity to light, and how it falls on, and defines my subject. I’m of the contention that lit properly, even an ugly shoe can evoke an emotion in the viewer.

I currently shoot digitally, and have been ever since PhaseOne came out with their single-shot digital back for Hasselblad cameras. I worked with PhaseOne with some of the early on-location/studio R&D of their LightPhase camera back. I saw digital photography developing an entirely new experience for my clients, and we’ve never looked back.
(Though I still love the look and feel of 120 Tri-X black & white film- there’s nothing like it.)

Professional Headshots - Boise, Nampa, Eagle, Meridian, Star, Garden City - Volker "Frank" Buddenbrock